Winter is coming – Attempting to ascend Kebnekaise — Travelogue #042 (by Guillaume Hullin) Found WiFi, electrical outlets and a warm security room… so I could enjoy charging all my gears and make this… Continue reading “Winter is coming – Attempting to ascend Kebnekaise — Travelogue #042 (by Guillaume Hullin)”…
Extracted by helicopter from Sarek National Park… What now? — Travelogue #041 (by Guillaume Hullin) Update video to explain what happened in Sarek National Park and why I had to push the SOS button on… Continue reading “Extracted by helicopter from Sarek National Park… What now? — Travelogue #041 (by Guillaume Hullin)”…
Arrived to Saltoluokta Fjällstation – Kungsleden — Travelogue #040 (by Guillaume Hullin) Last real civilization point for me, shower, WiFi, restaurant and electricity. One last night in a room and then it… Continue reading “Arrived to Saltoluokta Fjällstation – Kungsleden — Travelogue #040 (by Guillaume Hullin)”…
One last Guinness before starting on the Kungsleden (60 days solo expedition throughout Fjällen) (by Guillaume Hullin) Maybe my last video for the next 2 months. I can’t believe I’m actually doing this… whatever the outcome, I’m… Continue reading “One last Guinness before starting on the Kungsleden (60 days solo expedition throughout Fjällen) (by Guillaume Hullin)”…
Last coffee in Paris before going on the Kungsleden… it’s happening! — Travelogue #039 (by Guillaume Hullin) One more short update video concerning my expedition to Lapland. It’s happening! Only a few gears and supplies missing and… Continue reading “Last coffee in Paris before going on the Kungsleden… it’s happening! — Travelogue #039 (by Guillaume Hullin)”…
Why I didn’t upload anything this month… (explanations) — Travelogue #038 (by Guillaume Hullin) A bit raw video about what’s going on with me and why I haven’t been uploading anything the last weeks… Continue reading “Why I didn’t upload anything this month… (explanations) — Travelogue #038 (by Guillaume Hullin)”…